The volunteers of Jesus heart Church are the ones that make the church hang together. Following is a list of the volunteers who have a main responsibility. This is only a small set of volunteers that make a crucial difference in the parish.
The task of the sacristans is largely to organise the liturgy and to decorate and clarify the church and the surrounding areas. Rasmus Frederiksen is the main sacristan of the church and on weekdays, Inger Jensen and Marie Storm also helps to do this task.
Church Coffee
Anna Sierkierska is responsible for church coffee, which is usually held every Sunday after the high mass. She has many volunteers to help her, but there is always need for more hands.
Church Office
The church’s office currently does not have fixed opening and telephone hours. Parish Priest Tomislav Cvetko, can be contacted by telephone: 21 78 06 71
At the church office, Ina Hartmann is in charge of church books, membership registration, registration of baptism, first communion, founder, ceremony, funeral, etc. Ina can be contacted by mail:
Home Page
Peter Doan is the webmaster.
Vien Hien is responsible for flower decoration in the church.